The Danish company ABCON A/S produces high quality lubricating oil additives to the international shipping industry. These products not only improve the performance of engines and machines they also reduce the environmental impact from the operation.

If you have a problem of leakage or wear and you want to know more about the areas, which can be successfully treated, please contact our experiences staff, who can draw upon experience from more than 400 treated vessels from tugs to VLCC’s. ABCON A/S products are delivered World wide directly from own facilities near Copenhagen.


STOP LEAK products

ABCON is the world leading producer of Stop Leak additives. Leaking oil systems is a problem which has economic and environmental implications. ABCON A/S has for years succesfully been supplying Stop Leak products for stern tubes, pitch propellers, thrusters and other systems where lube oil is the carrier. More details at ABCON Catalogue 2017 (PDF)


Maintenance products 

Wear and tear can be reduced by using ABCON MARINE teflon based additives in the oil which will lead to lower wear and tear and hereby lower operating cost. There are multiple applications in the engine room and on the deck where experience from our present customers has shown encouraging results. More details at ABCON Catalogue 2017 (PDF)


Testimonial letters from Customers


ABCON Catalogue 2017 (PDF)